Monday, August 2, 2010

Computer Forensic

Joining the seminar today, with a such as good speaker and a well proved of their expertise.. Bapak Agus Setiawan as a moderator, with speaker: Dr. Desmond Alexander and  Mr. Kamalasegaran Msc. from FORESEC.

It's so short and would love to join them in other session. Too bad, I missed my pen (but not my notebook) and there was no handout given. Tried to use my mobile recording, however the result wasn't good as expected. I hope I could have the soft copy later.

that seminar brought me to one reason why am 'there'..  and a realization on how terrible 'that world' out there.

unfortunate experience of mine, just a one sample. not a big deal to other, but it meant so much to me.  knew  there's a reason behind and continue to believe so..

a (consider) good friend of mine once asked me to not use neither email, sms nor phone for a private communication.. and, a (consider) good friend of mine once told me that he has a friend who really interested in computer thing, without assuming, which lead that person to cross over to someone' privacy. with all do respect, I hope it would be for the good of everyone or any better result. 

not being too naive, I wish people who were lucky to be given opportunity to 'know better' than others.. who knew things earlier than others..  who had better knowledge and understanding on things.. and use their most capability to help others, in a positive way..

anyway, have no right to judge over others thought, must return it back to each of one' goodwill and self conscience. GBU

Computer Hacking*
Network Security*

SWOT Analysis
  • Strenght: d world is flat
  • Weakness: pornography, etc
  • Opportunity: unlimited
  • Threat: cyber crime
Droid Application*
ECHELON Project*

* scrap (to surf further)

Lawful Interception
Lawful interception (LI) is obtaining communications network data pursuant to lawful authority for the purpose of analysis or evidence. Such data generally consist of signalling or network management information or, in fewer instances, the content of the communications. If the data is not obtained in real-time, the activity is referred to as access to retained data (RD).

There are many bases for this activity that include infrastructure protection and cybersecurity. In general, the operator of public network infrastructure can undertake LI activities for those purposes. Operators of private network infrastructures have an inherent right to maintain LI capabilities within their own networks unless otherwise prohibited.

One of the bases for LI is the interception of telecommunications by law enforcement agencies (LEAs), regulatory or administrative agencies, and intelligence services, in accordance with local law. Under some legal systems, implementations—particularly real-time access to content—may require due process and receiving proper authorization from competent authorities—an activity that was formerly known as "wiretapping" and has existed since the inception of electronic communications. The material below primarily treats this narrow segment of LI.

With the legacy Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Wireless, and Cable Systems, Lawful Interception (LI) was generally performed by accessing the mechanical or digital switches supporting the target's calls. The introduction of packet switched networks, softswitch technology, and server-based applications the past two decades fundamentally altered how LI is undertaken.

The term "lawful intercept" describes the process by which law enforcement agencies conduct electronic surveillance of circuit and packet-mode communications as authorized by judicial or administrative order. Countries throughout the world have adopted legislative and regulatory requirements for providers of public and private communication services (service providers) to design and implement their networks to support authorized electronic surveillance explicitly. International standards organizations have also developed standards to guide service providers and manufacturers in specific lawful intercept capabilities.

Lawful Intercept Architecture*
Lawful Intercept and Standards Development*

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